My Master’s thesis was born, like a
phoenix, in a fire. A fire that
did not, directly, consume anything in my life, but took rather the worldly
possessions of two good friends of mine. Including, in the case of one friend,
all of the documentation that proved that he was, in fact, who he claimed to
be. There are all these
interesting moments in life that offer a chance to suddenly confront an aspect
of privilege that had heretofore been obscured. The loss of a friend’s ability to politically appear,
however briefly, was such a moment.
The privilege that I carry with me in my wallet filled with plastic and
paper and my name and my picture and a host of other numbers and letters that
are somehow me-as-I-am-politically, or digitally, was not one I had thought of
before. I was never worried that
the systems of politics that arch over everything we do as a community would be
unable or unwilling to recognize me.
Realizing that such a lack of recognition could be possible left me
wondering about identity and the construction of the person by the state. (We might ask how much of this precise
thought was rolled into my actual
thesis, but let’s not)
The text message I got this morning
was of a similar kind of privilege check.
I might need you to pick me up. X might be arrested
As it turned out, no one was
arrested, but there was definitely a Hypatia’s taxi service. I have a friend who lives in the States
with expired immigration documentation.
Has lived here, in fact, for years, quietly working at the same job and
driving the same car (with increasingly out-of-date registration) and somehow
not really contributing to the downfall of America at all. But now, with the accidental revelation
of immigration status, all sorts of public/political appearing are fraught, or
at the very least interesting. And frankly, this is Georgia, being an immigrant in general
here has to suck, let alone as someone who has expired documentation.
The rhetoric around immigration,
documented properly or not, in this country has really left the realm of
sense. I recognize that the state
has a vested interest in knowing and, to a certain extent, controlling who is
within its borders, however the fact that the “conversation” is not actually
about why the state might have that
interest and how the state might
satisfy that interest (for totes fascinating questions, which would be a rocking public conversation) makes my
knee-jerk reaction to all immigration questions go something like: Fuck you, racist, who fucking cares.
What makes the question of
immigration, and the politics of the state’s involvement and legitimate
interest in immigration, so interesting to me is not the bullshit
fear-mongering that gets plastered all over the place – ZOMFG BROWN PEOPLE FROM DOWN SOUTH ARE STEALING OUR WHITE WOMEN AND
JOBS – but rather where and how the state-constructed identity intersects
with our actual lives. And,
interestingly, it seems that our systems of politics intersect necessarily in
our lives in very, very limited ways.
My friend’s papers expired six
years ago. In six years my friend has encountered no
system of politics that has turned on the construction of citizenship. (Again, expired license and
registration notwithstanding – also – I am for totes impressed with anyone who
can drive around for years with
expired tags. I’m routinely months late, because I am lazy as fuck,
and that was terrifying for me)
But this is what the face, the real face, of the immigrations hullabaloo
is: people who’ve come over for school, or a job, with all sorts of appropriate
documentation and stamps and signatures and shit, and then, eh, just forgot to
leave, or renew. And there is nothing a non-totalitarian state can do
about it.
this doesn’t mean that the immigrant with expired documents has it easy. There is the forfeiture of legal
driving and the inability to change jobs, but with license and job being
attained whilst still properly documented, the individual must make herself
visible to the systems of politics, the systems of politics do not have a
means, and, I would argue, to a certain extent do not have sufficient interest
in identifying those individuals.
Immigrants who are undocumented are certainly more vulnerable, lacking
any history of documentation (the bringing to life political identity through
paperwork) undocumented immigrants are for all intents and purposes overtly stateless. There is no recourse to juridical or political power, and there is no veneer of destigmatized
personal identity. The immigrant
with expired papers, while still actually
lacking access to juridical and political systems of power, has a lingering
ghost of a political identity. A
state that has the systems in place to force the giving up of that ghost is a
state with far too much constitutive power over all identities within it.
is what should give all of us pause when we are thinking about the immigration
debate. To “successfully” address
the question of the immigrants with expired documents, the systems of politics
within which we live would have to have a sort of all pervasive power, everything we did would need to be
attached to a greater or lesser extent to those systems, and there would need
to be extensive surveillance to maintain those connections. The fragility of our political
identities (I am my social security number, I am my birth certificate, I am
little else to systems of politics) means that each one of us is only a
keystroke (mistaken or otherwise) away from that same sort of political
ghosting. To maintain and enforce
such an all-encompassing system of politics, surveillance would be required of all persons, irrespective of immigration
status. That level of surveillance
would turn us all into suspects. The
young woman who was deported despite being a natural-born citizen is nice
evidence of the danger.
[This is not the most exciting return to blogging ever, but –
I’ll try to whip up some righteous anger over the GOP field of candidates soon. I also really don't feel like hyperlinking all over the place. I'll do a better job soon, I swear.]
Glad to have you back.
ReplyDeleteTwo questions:
1) Why aren't there spaces between the words when I read this on google reader? (I thought you were doing an odd internet-speak thing, but now I'm just confused.)
2)Any comments on this: